Monday, December 8, 2008

Hey Gang,

Well, it has been a rough stretch, lately. A friend of mine, Blayne Tallent, has passed away after a hard, valiant fight against cancer. We had his services yesterday, and it was certainly painful to say goodbye to a beautiful individual who inspired me so much. But, nonetheless, God is truly good, and He will certainly welcome Blayne into His presence. What a blessing it was to know Blayne, and it is my prayer that we can look at and follow his courageous example.

Rest in Peace, Blayne Marshall Tallent

October 5, 1989 - November 26, 2008

Your brother,


Thoughts on the election

Hey My People!

What a time to be alive!! The people have spoken, and overwhelmingly selected Barack Obama to be our nation's first black president. Although I disagree with the President-elect on some issues, I believe very strongly that he was the best candidate for the position, and I've believed that ever since I started supporting him well over two years ago (well before he even declared his candidacy for office :-)).

Now if the Niners would freakin' win already! That game against the Cardinals just about made me vomit!

Other than that, I'm just trying to get over the flu and become productive once again. I just got in contact with Mandie, a dear friend of mine who I haven't heard from since sophomore year in high school (that's over five years!!), and she's doing well! I'm extremely grateful to have her friendship back in my life again, and I pray that she'll continue to have blessings poured upon her.

So, I'm gonna continue to work and steadily improve this website. I'm still looking for a way to put a guestbook on here. In the meantime, hit me up on Facebook or Myspace! Holla at me!

God bless,


Friday, August 22, 2008

Thoughts on the Veepstakes...

The early report has Barack Obama picking Joe Biden as his running mate for this November's election. Personally, I was pulling for Evan Bayh. I feel that with Bayh's wealth of experience at his fairly young age (he has been in the senate for 10 years, and is only 4 years older than Obama), he would be a great reinforcement of the charisma that Obama will bring to the presidency. Bayh's experience would also counter a lot of the Republican B.S. about Obama's lack of experience that "matters."

However, Joe Biden has been in the senate since 1973, and was elected at the ripe age of 29. Biden does bring a lot more experience than Bayh, but he certainly doesn't have Bayh's youth. Nonetheless, Biden is like Hillary Clinton in the fact that-whether you love them or hate them-he is a very powerful person that carries a lot of weight. Biden is either a powerful friend, or a powerful enemy. Even if he isn't your best friend, he is a hell of a bulldog to have in your corner. And its certainly a lot easier when he's with you than when he's against you.

It is also been reported that Mitt Romney will be John McCain's choice of running mate. They say that 95% of Mormons in Nevada caucused for Romney back in January. I take pride in that fact, as it proves that my I.Q. is well within the top 5-percentile among the Mormons in this great state.

Mitt Romney is your typical politician. He "adjusts" his positions at extremely politically-convenient times, claiming he's honestly had a change of heart. True, he is a business guru...but so are the majority of the filthy-rich bastards that Bush surrounds himself with.

Biden is strong-willed. With Biden, you know that a steamroller is coming. Meanwhile, Romney is still trying to figure out which opinion on the "when does life begin" issue will cause McCain to stroke out the fastest (do you HONESTLY think Romney has given up on attaining the presidency...soon?). Expect Romney to lose his pair within the first 20 minutes of the VP-debate. :-)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


After much thought and prayer, I've decided that I need to stay where I'm at. The bottom line is that I love what I do and the people I work with. What I thought was going to be an extremely complicated decision turned out to be nowhere near that. I've made my decision and I'm not looking back.

So, that being said, be sure to check out soon, as there will be some phat changes to it!! :-)

But, I've also decided that I need to soothe the ache to compete that I've had ever since I stopped playing football. Since it's been 3 years since my last concussion, I've decided to put on the gloves and box. I might be crazy, but I feel that this is a chance worth taking. I still feel like I have something left in the tank, so I'm going to get after it. If you know me, you know that I'm the kind who'd rather try and fail than stay back and wonder "what if" later on.

Also, I've been getting into some new jams lately. There's this jazz guitarist by the name of Chieli Minucci that I've recently come across, and I love his stuff! If you get the chance, listen to his jam, "Kickin' it Hard." You'll love it! And "System," the most recent album from Seal is OFF THE CHAIN!! Make sure to give a listen to "If It's In My Mind, It's On My Face."

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Trials and opportunity

Well, lately a couple trials have come my way that are causing me to reassess where I need to be heading. I'm not going to go into detail at the time being, but I will tell you that I have roughly 13 & 1/2 - 14 months before I'm leaving the Reno area for graduate school, so I need to take some time and gameplan the best possible strategy to get me there.

Since I'm not the richest guy in the world, funding is certainly an issue. I've been blessed with parents who have been willing to let me stay at home rent-free, as well as provide food!! So, it would be extremely unfair for me to ask them to fund my social life as well.

So, since I want to have something resembling a social life, I'll just leave it that I need to figure out the best path of action that will allow me to have that. Leave me a comment and tell me what ya think...